Sugar Land Youth Soccer Club has introduced guidelines to help address health and safety concerns but we cannot guarantee these measures will eliminate all risk. Especially if you are in a higher risk category (ex: people above the age of 65 or people with pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease), we recommend obtaining professional guidance and taking extra precautions when you are making the decision to join our outdoor group activities.
You have a right NOT follow this guideline, we also have a right NOT let you play or train with us. During these unprecedented times, let’s do our best to support one another and promote the physical and mental well-being of our children and community.
Guidelines are:
- Do NOT come to Club activities if you’ve recently been exposed to or have symptoms of COVID-19
To protect the health and safety of our community, it is Sugar Land Youth Soccer Club’s policy that coaches, parents and children should not come to play on our group activities if any of the following are true:
- You are actively infected or have tested positive with COVID-19 in the past 30 days
- You suspect you are sick or have been exposed and are awaiting test results to confirm or deny a diagnosis of COVID-19
- You are showing symptoms or are concerned about possible infection of COVID-19
- You’ve had close, sustained contact with an individual confirmed or suspected to be infected with COVID-19, within the last 14 days.
- Follow social-distancing guidelines
- When parents are in a common area or shared space, such as sideline of a soccer field, maintain distance from anyone who's not part of your personal circle or bubble at all times, as recommended by the relevant regulatory authorities (ex: 6 feet according to the US CDC).
- Coaches should avoid physical contact with children and parents, and provide a no contact coaching instructions whenever possible.
- Wear a mask
- If coaches and parents must interact in a shared common area, wear a protective face covering during interactions as recommended by regulatory agencies or authorities such as the US CDC or the European CDC.
- Coaches and children athletes should not wear a mask during sports motions and exercise sessions.
- Parents are recommended to wear a protective face covering at all times in Club activities.
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before having snacks
- Consuming food should be minimized in Club activities during COVID-19 pandemic.
- Before having snacks and food, wash your hands properly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol; cover your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Guidelines for all coaches
In addition, we recommend that all coaches do the following:
- Follow local guidelines around the total number of people allowed to gather in public outdoor environment.
- Cap the children count in one team session, be aware of the parents count and social distancing in common areas.
- Avoid common areas and high-touch areas (such as bathrooms and playgrounds) as frequently as possible.
- Carry a facial mask with you. If coaches and parents must interact in a shared common area, wear a protective face covering during interactions.
What to do if you test positive for COVID-19 during or after your play
If you recently tested positive for COVID-19 or have started to feel any COVID-19 symptoms and have recently stayed in a Club organized activity or interacted with children as a coach, contact us immediately. You should also inform relevant local authorities as well as your doctor.
What we will do if case is confirmed positive for COVID-19 in a team
If anyone tested positive for COVID-19 and have recently stayed in a Club organized activity or interacted with children as a coach, we will shut down the training exercise of that relevant team and ask all exposed people to inform relevant local authorities as well as their doctors.